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The Tribal Health


Improving health outcomes for

104 million Tribes by 2030

Bridging gaps in healthcare for tribal communities and bringing their health coverage and indicators at par with the state average.

  • COMMUNITISATION OF HEALTHCARE: Leading to people’s participation in Improving health-ecosystem.
  • KNOWLEDGE STRENGTHENING: To inform tribal health agenda within the ecosystem leading to equitable prioritisation and investment in tribal health and nutrition.
  • HEALTH SYSTEM STRENGTHENING: Creating transformational health leaders and establish a culture of empowerment, transparency, and accountability.

The Genesis

Tribal populations are amongst the most socio-economically marginalized sections, and while tribal healthcare usually falls within the ambit of rural healthcare, the difference in terrain, environment, social systems and culture, lead to tribal communities having their unique set of healthcare needs. It is crucial to identify the missing links in the story of tribal health in India starting with customized research that provides relevant, tailor-made solutions for tribal populations. Anamaya was born from the dire need to bridge gaps in healthcare for tribal communities and bring their health coverage and indicators at par with the state average. The significance of this collaborative is evident from the fact that it was launched by Hon. Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare Dr Harsh Vardhan and Hon. Union Minister of Tribal Affairs Shri Arjun Munda in April 2021. Tribal Health Collaborative, pegged on collaboration and partnerships, brings together Central and State Governments, philanthropists, national and international foundations, NGOs, and institutions in tribal health research.

The Journey
so far

Tribal Health Collaborative has already made considerable headway in its approach to improve tribal health

  • Interacted with key community stakeholders – 2500 Tribal Healers, NGOs, Tribal Panchayati Raj Institution (PRI) members and Self-help groups (SHGs) across 5 states, to explore partnership models and to drive the design of the programme.
  • Engaged with Tribal youth to gauge interest in leadership capability building
  • Initiated partnerships with international and national research organizations to understand and serve the tribal health landscape better. Partnerships have been forged with National Institute of Research in Tribal Health, John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and University of Manitoba to name a few

Partnered with Government – Signed 3 MoUs with Government and set up National Technical Support Unit (NTSU) for Tribal TB within the Central TB Division, Health Ministry

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

Ministry of Tribal Affairs                                      

Central tuberculosis division, Ministry of health & family welfare

Tribal Health Collaborative’s

1. Improve Community Participation

Onboard 10,000 Tribal healers/NGOs to eliminate preventable death.

  • Building participatory spaces to understand and co-create solutions to address unique problems of tribal communities.
  • Integrating tribal medicine by engaging with tribal healers for trust building, knowledge exchange, etc.
  • Establishing exchange platform to facilitate knowledge exchange and improve participation at the grassroots level. A strong partnership ecosystem has been built along with PATH, JHPIEGO, Deloitte on improving tribal maternal and child health; and with USAID, BMGF, Min. of Tribal Affairs on Active Case Findings on TB.
2. Strengthen Research and Knowledge to influence Tribal Health Policies: Document, amplify and integrate 100 traditional tribal health practices

Onboard 10,000 Tribal healers/NGOs to eliminate preventable death.

  • Building participatory spaces to understand and co-create solutions to address unique problems of tribal communities.
  • Integrating tribal medicine by engaging with tribal healers for trust building, knowledge exchange, etc.
  • Establishing exchange platform to facilitate knowledge exchange and improve participation at the grassroots level. A strong partnership ecosystem has been built along with PATH, JHPIEGO, Deloitte on improving tribal maternal and child health; and with USAID, BMGF, Min. of Tribal Affairs on Active Case Findings on TB.
3. Strengthen Public Health Systems that serve tribal populations

Onboard 10,000 Tribal healers/NGOs to eliminate preventable death.

  • Building participatory spaces to understand and co-create solutions to address unique problems of tribal communities.
  • Integrating tribal medicine by engaging with tribal healers for trust building, knowledge exchange, etc.
  • Establishing exchange platform to facilitate knowledge exchange and improve participation at the grassroots level. A strong partnership ecosystem has been built along with PATH, JHPIEGO, Deloitte on improving tribal maternal and child health; and with USAID, BMGF, Min. of Tribal Affairs on Active Case Findings on TB.

Forms will reopen in October 2024
for Batch 2025-27

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