The application window for the 2024-26 batch has closed. For the 2025-27 batch, the forms will reopen in October 2024. Enroll today to get notified when the application window opens.

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Bharat Collaborative

Aspirational Bharat Collaborative

Improve the lives of 180 million citizens in

150 aspirational districts

Supporting India to become a $5 trillion economy and improving the lives of 180 million citizens of  112 aspirational districts in collaboration with NITI Aayog.
Facilitating the confluence of SAMAAJ, SARKAR, BAZAAR and SANCHAR to strengthen community’s  ability to own and lead hyper-local change.


Build India’s first hyper-local collaborative by engaging NGOs Colleges, SHGS (Self Help Groups) Faith Leaders, Local Media, PRIs (Panchayati Raj Institutions).


Facilitate inter-departmental convergence to build inter-sectoral alignment and linkages between various government programs and schemes.


Influence investments in under-funded regions.


Sharing interests to connect and collaborate, have fostered new forms of community building and social support networks

The Genesis

Nearly 250 million people in India live below the poverty line, and the situation is especially dire for the 100 million people residing in 112 Aspirational Districts. These districts are characterized by compounded complexities, such as being tribal-dominated, flood-prone, with challenging geographic terrains, and a significant portion of the population earning less than Rs 5,000 per month. The Piramal Foundation in partnership with NITI Aayog has been working in 25 Aspirational Districts in 7 States to improve the indicators in health and education. A study conducted by the Institute for Competitiveness, an affiliate of Harvard Business School, shows that 4 of the top 5 districts most improved in education and 3 of the top 10 districts most improved in health are supported by Piramal Foundation.


ADC’s two-pronged approach is based on collaboration and convergence. ADC provides a platform to enable local entities to work collectively to transform the lives of their communities, in close coordination and under the leadership of the district administration. It engages local NGOs, colleges, media, faith leaders, self-help groups, and Panchayat Samitis to drive behaviour change and promote convergence at the district level. ADC aims to bring together 6000+ hyperlocal collaborators in 112 Aspirational Districts, on one platform.

The key pillars of convergence include identifying and building forums, influencing the utilisation of funds, building the capacity of functionaries, and setting in place convergence among 10 key ministries to ensure 100% utilisation of welfare schemes. By working collaboratively and promoting convergence, ADC is committed to strengthening governance, transforming on-ground delivery, and creating a firm foundation for sustainable development in these districts.

The Journey
so far

Tribal Health Collaborative has already made considerable headway in its approach to improve tribal health

  • The collaborative has successfully launched 4 campaigns, including Surakshit Dada Dadi, Nana Nani Abhiyaan; Surakshit Hum Surakshit Tum; Jal Swavalamban Abhiyaan; and Saksham Bitiya Abhiyaan, which have touched lakhs of lives.
  • Aspirational Districts Collaborative has brought together community leaders, volunteers, and committed citizens to create a transformative movement in 112 Aspirational Districts.

Collaborations have been forged with over 2,744 hyperlocal collaborators, including a Sangha of nearly 700 local NGOs, 3,000 youth volunteers, 800 Gram Panchayat members, 460+ Panchayat Pramukhs, and 400 religious leaders.

Sangha of Local NGOs

Youth Volunteers

Gram Panchayat Members

Panchayat Pramukhs

Religious Leaders

Our Impact

The Collaborative’s Impact in
25 Districts in 7 States

  • 12,000+ Village Health Sanitation and Nutrition Days (VHSND) facilitated to improve maternal and childcare outcomes.
  • 21% improvement in Antenatal Care (ANC) registrations.
  • 16% improvement in Institutional deliveries .
  • 21% increase in Initiation of breastfeeding within one hour of birth.
  • 40 First Referral Units (FRU) strengthened and 190 Health and Wellness Centres (HWC) established.
  • 12,000+ Village Health Sanitation and Nutrition Days (VHSND) facilitated to improve maternal and childcare outcomes.
  • 21% improvement in Antenatal Care (ANC) registrations.
  • 16% improvement in Institutional deliveries .
  • 21% increase in Initiation of breastfeeding within one hour of birth.
  • 40 First Referral Units (FRU) strengthened and 190 Health and Wellness Centres (HWC) established.
  • 12,000+ Village Health Sanitation and Nutrition Days (VHSND) facilitated to improve maternal and childcare outcomes.
  • 21% improvement in Antenatal Care (ANC) registrations.
  • 16% improvement in Institutional deliveries .
  • 21% increase in Initiation of breastfeeding within one hour of birth.
  • 40 First Referral Units (FRU) strengthened and 190 Health and Wellness Centres (HWC) established.

Forms will reopen in October 2024
for Batch 2025-27

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