Improve the lives of 180 million citizens in
150 aspirational districts
Aspirational Bharat Collaborative (ABC) envisages to uplift the lives of 100 million people living in abject poverty in 150 worst districts of the country by 2030, also called Aspirational Districts. This we aim to do by improving access to education, healthcare and nutrition, and water. We are a development partner with NITI Aayog, the premier thinktank of the Government of India, in what is its flagship initiative. What makes the aspirational districts areas highly complex is their demography, geography and socio-economic issues. By collaborating with hyper-local NGOs, colleges, media, faith leaders, SHGs and Panchayat Samitis, we endeavour to strengthen governance, transform on-ground delivery, and create a firm foundation for sustainable development in these districts.
Gandhi Fellows form collaboratives in each district and support the local administration to improve human development indicators by ensuring service delivery at the last mile. By working closely with Panchayats, the Fellows get to participate in the bottom-up process of nation-building. That not only encourages the process of decentralisation but also emboldens the panchayats take ownership of the problems in their respective communities. The Fellows also work to facilitate convergence at the grassroots level by influencing Gram Panchayat Development Plans (GPDP).